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Canadian Yogurt Capsules Instruction

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Canadian Yogurt Capsules Instruction

'Yogurt' (Canadian) instruction recommends eating during a meal Adult patients need to drink medicine with water.. The cost of such a facility is in the range of 200-1000 rubles It is rather difficult to buy this probiotic in Russia.. Children who can not swallow the capsule whole, it is permissible to open the shell and dilute its contents in a small volume of liquid.. Instruction for use says that the drug is issued in Canada Hence its popular name. 1

The manufacturer uses gelatin to create an appropriate drug coating The medicine is issued for 15, 30 and 75 capsules in a jar.. Probiotics make an invaluable contribution to the treatment of many chronic diseases and pathologies in acute form.. The preparation is Canadian - 'Yogurt': instruction on how to use capsules correctly? To achieve high effectiveness of the medicament, it is necessary to follow the conditions that describe the abstract. 2

The summary tells that in one capsule of medicine contains several billions of useful lactobacteria, streptococcal cultures and lactobacilli.. In additional substances, magnesium stearate, lactose and ascorbic acid are indicated. HERE

But the principle of the action of medicines is approximately one: the colonization of the intestine with a useful microflora. 0041d406d9 Click

Today's article will present you one of these drugs Its trade name is 'Yogurt' (Canadian).. Pills are taken to colonize the intestines with beneficial bacteria Indications for use are the following conditions: intestinal dysbiosis of different etiologies; intestinal infections; prolonged use of antibiotics; recurrent chronic infectious diseases; decreased immunity; gastroenteritis of different origin; prevention of the shortage of lactic acid organisms in people observing a dairy-free diet.. Preliminary description Many consumers refer to this product as 'Canadian yogurt'. Click